In addition to being an incredible father, my dad (Mark Roegner) was a writer. He died on April 26, 2016, after a valiant battle with cancer. This site is a way for me to connect with him through the written word.

Writing with Dad
Wedding laughs with Dad

I was born in Boston. Grew up in Austin and Santa Barbara. Now live in Los Angeles.

I started racing motorcycles at a young age and was fortunate enough to progress to the professional ranks.

Racing wasn't going to pay the bills so I finished school - UC Santa Barbara, where I met my wife, Genna - but remained entrenched in the motorcycle industry through my work with a race team.

Scott, Dan and Dad
Anaheim Supercross 2004

After completing my MBA in Sports Business (San Diego State University) I started working in marketing and PR at various agencies and production companies. I love the creativity and collaboration that come from working alongside talented teams and enjoy when a simple plan is executed exceptionally well. More about my career can be found over on LinkedIn.

Even though riding motorcycles is a thing of the past, I still spend a lot of time on two wheels. From road and gravel rides with friends to dirt jumps and neighborhood rides with my kids, I love being on a bike.

Scott Roegner Cycling
Roegner Family in Lake Tahoe

Despite my best efforts to hate LA, I've grown to love it. Marrying a native Angeleno certainly helped but the wide range of things to do, experiences to be had and people to meet throughout this incredible city make it one of a kind. The weather is pretty great, too!

We call Culver City home where we live with our two young boys, William and Henry.

I appreciate you taking the time to visit my site. Feel free to reach out or follow along on social media by clicking one of the links below.


*While I discuss topics and events related to my clients, all the thoughts and opinions expressed here are my own.